Thursday, March 15, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth, this film is an eye opener. Never before has a documentary affected me the way this has. I begun watching this film thinking that it was just going to be Al Gore talking about how he should have became President and why George Bush was going to destroy the world. Instead I was pleasantly surprised by the content of it. Beside the quick introduction of “I’m Al Gore, I used to be the next President of the United States” there was absolutely no mention Presidential politics. Instead the film was purely about informing the masses about the big problem we will be having in the near future.

The way I write my critiques, writing about a documentary is a little strange because they are not really focused on lighting, costumes, sounds, direction, special effects, or colors. An Inconvenient Truth was just Al Gore speaking to a few groups of people and showing the natural beauty of our planet. It didn’t seem like anything special was done to the film. It was as if they set up a few extra lights on the stage Al Gore was open and film his entire speech. Then took the camera to a lot beautiful examples of what global warming will destroy if will continue to let is happen.

This film opened my eyes to what needs to change in our world. I believe that if someone watching this film doesn’t decide to change at least one thing that they know is bad for the planet its message didn’t get through to them. If everyone who saw this film would just change one thing that they do it could make a big difference on our planet.

p.s. - Does anyone think the blue letters in the white words at the end of the movie spell stuff out? We should watch that part again and figure it out!!

1 comment:

Pyro said...

This movie did have many different lighting techniques in it... but good review nonetheless. There were also a few other elements in it.... maybe watch it again and you might pick up on some of them. :D You can rent it.
Just a suggestion.