Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Sunshine Hotel

When you think of a squatters hotel or a flophouse you may think of a big filthy building with homeless people everywhere. The Sunshine Hotel takes those thoughts and throws them out the window. This flophouse in the Bowery neighborhood of New York City shows people who have fallen upon hard times but continue on living with what they have and are content with that. An example of one of the stand out people from the film is the man who takes orders from people in the hotel and gets stuff for them. He believes that working in life is the only way to go and he loves does what he does, for the simple satisfaction of having work. Another example is a transvestite who lives in the hotel he feels objectified in the hotel as the only thing close to female there. The rest of the people interviewed are just like these to men they had know where else o go so they came to The Sunshine Hotel and are now living a hard but manageable life.

The main point to the film is that all the tourist who past by this place may see it a scum filled place but if they would take the time to talk and get to know some of the people there they would learn that they are the same.

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